I love these two & the adorable little Harley and their wedding has been such a joy to work on, Biba created the most beautiful Mood board which clearly expressed their love of naturally arranged hand gathered blooms with a slightly wild and whimsical vibe, we had a dalliance with Peacock feathers, which I'm pleased to say was dismissed and much more wholesome collection of materials was finally decided upon.
Jason presented our gorgeous Bride Biba and her two beautiful Bridesmaid's Tara and Rachel with their Bridal Bouquets whilst they were still in their PJ's
Biba's Bridal Bouquet included a seasonal collection of fragrant herbs, Oregano, Peppermint, Rosemary and Dill with Purple Symphony & Memory Lane Roses, Lissianthus, Hydrangeas, Astrantia, Poppy Seed Heads, Antirhinnum's, Snowberry, Eucalyptus, Thalaspi and Alchemilla Mollis
Outside in The Parklands Pagoda and plethora of English Garden Blooms decorated the Chairs and the Registrars table
The Registrars table was dressed with a collection of vintage vessels each one filled with a decorative posy of garden flowers
Posies of Antirhinnum, September, Memory Lane Roses, Freesia, Poppy Seed Heads and Blackberries dressed the opening of the Pagoda perfectly
The super handsome Bride Groom, the lovely Stephen was wearing a Boutonniere finished with lace and deep purple ribbon
The Bride Groom's Boutonniere included Snowberry, Phlox, Lissianthus Buds, a Memory lane Rose with fragrant Oregano
Each of the Boutonnieres were different some included clusters of Blackberries and Rosebuds
The totally beautiful Harley complete with her floral crown of Daisies, Rose Buds, Hydrangea Florets and Astrantia Flowers
The Bridesmaid's Bouquets were smaller versions of the Brides Bouquet and included a lovely collection of Roses, Herbs and Summer Garden flowers in shades of Puples, Lilacs and lavenders
Our beautiful Bride looked heavenly as she floated down the path on the arm of her super proud Dad
Biba's wild and garden gathered wedding bouquet was simply perfect for this glorious out door setting
Huge Congratulations to Stephen, Biba & Harley from all of the team here at Flower Design Events
In The Windsor Suite a magnificent long table was laid for all of the guests to sit around, small garden gathered posies in jam jars, bottles and random vessels were set down in the centre of the table on hessian and lace doilies
Each guest was presented with a vintage cup and saucer filled with a posy of fresh flowers, these were on each guests place setting
A Posy of Hydrangeas and Blackberries
Antirhinnum, Astrantia, Dill, Freesia and Scabious posy in a little vintage bottle decorated with lace
Lissianthus, Poppy Seed Head, Dill, Memory lane Rose with Astrantia arranged in a vintage glass bottle
Huge thanks to Biba, Stephen & Harley for choosing Flower Design Events to create their wedding flowers