Huge Congratulations to Vicky & Luke who were married back in May at Shireburn Arms we had a great day working with Gemma McAuley Photography, gorgeous gown from Kimberley Anne Bridal Boutique, LouMac Makeup Artist, suit from Moss Bros, The Sweetest Thing Cakery
Jason presented the wedding bouquets to this bevvy of beauty and showed them all how to carry their bouquets perfectly
Downstairs in the ceremony room the scene was set with stacks of crates topped with fresh flowers and lanterns framing the Registrars table
Crates filled with fresh flowers acted as pedestal designs
Posies of fresh flowers decorated each alternate chair lining he aisle
Luke was first to have his rather special boutonniere pinned on
The Bride Groom's Thistle Boutonniere
The Bridesmaids looked fabulous in their pale grey gowns, they carried beautifully relaxed bouquets designed to compliment their gowns
Vicky looked absolutely breathtakingly beautiful
Huge Congratulations to Vicky & Luke from all of the team here at Flower Design Events
The wedding reception room looked magical each of the tables were dressed with unique centrepieces each one had a rustic vibe...
One of our crates filled with fresh flowers and herbs
Our magical lantern filled with fresh flowers in soft shades of pinks and ivory
The beautiful wedding cake was dressed with fresh flowers and Succulents
The Bridal Bouquet took pride of place in the centre of the Top Table
Enamel jugs filled with fresh flowers
Stacks of Seed Trays dressed with jam jars and bottles filled with hedgerow style flowersMassive thanks to Vicky & Luke for choosing Flower Design Events