Firstly let me just warn you, this an epic blog post of enormous proportions, which isn't bad to say there's only 3 flowers involved...
So this was the brief, just three flower varieties Roses 'Sweet Avalanche & Avalanche', 'Schneeball' Hydrangeas & 'Par Excellence' Gypsophilia, nothing more and nothing less, Rebecca & Matt knew exactly what they wanted and we were more than happy to oblige, these two are so absolutely on the same page and a huge pleasure for us to work with, what a tremendous day this was...
Rebecca & Matt had made the biggest Mood Board ever it had it's very own space in my office, I felt I knew it better than any other mood board, I really miss it now!! it was filled with the glorious designs that Rebecca & Matt had in mind, simple, elegant creations made with only Roses, Hydrangeas and Gypsophilia, they were also clear about colour, mainly pink for the Bridal bouquet and then everything else to be mainly ivory with a hint of pink, shapes were also important everything had to be very round, spherical almost. There were some other really unique aspects too, not least the fact that there was a wedding arriving at Church not 5 minutes after our wedding had left and we needed to remove the door arch and pedestals before they could go in with their flowers, and a rather special arched top table made by the family, but more of that later.
We were looking forward to working with some great wedding professionals too, our good friends Lisa & Roland from RT Productions & Wedding Films were filming the day, David & Jane from Stanbury Photography were recording all of the magic, the great folks from Flossy & leigh were making everyone more lovely, Rebecca's gorgeous gown and Bridesmaid's gowns were from Amelias Bridal and the cars were supplied by Memorable Journeys.
Here's that oh so magnificent Mood Board...
We met up again to present a full set of bridal samples...
Rebecca's wedding bouquet was a big hit
Matthew's sample Boutonniere was perfect.
The table design needed some tweaking, we got rid of the pink Hydrangeas and stuck to white, and they decided they preferred to see the flowers on top of our tall Crystal table stand
The suggestion for Pew End posies was admired
Before we knew it their big day had arrived, the bouquets were all boxed up in our studio
Our vans were loaded up
The first delivery of the day was to the Bride's family home to present the bridal bouquets
Our beautiful Bride the lovely Rebecca was handed her bouquet of Sweet Avalanche Roses
I delivered the FD Bouquet carrying tutorial with Rebecca, Charlotte, Katie, Sarah & Beck
We headed off to St Joseph's Church to put up the floral arch around the front door
Our Floral Arch looked magnificent and fitted the arch perfectly
Inside this magnificent Church the scene was set for the ceremony
Two of our fabulous spherical Church Pedestals framed the altar perfectly
The Hydrangeas, Roses and Gyposphilia formed the most perfect sphere on top of our pedestals
Posies of Roses and Gypsophilia dressed each alternate Pew end lining the aisle
Outside all of the Boutonnieres were lined up ready for me to pin them to their lapels
Rebecca's super handsome Bride Groom the lovely Matthew was first to have his boutonniere of Sweet Avalanche Rose & Rolled Rose Petals with Gypsophilia and Eucalyptus leaves pinned to his lapel
I pinned on all of the boutonnieres ensuring each one was positioned perfectly

The beautiful Bride's Mum looked stunning
Our gorgeous Bridesmaids were next to arrive, carrying their Rose & Gypsophilia bouquets their gowns were by Kelsey Rose
The Bridesmaid's bouquets included a combination of Avalanche & Sweet Avalanche Roses with Gypsophilia 'Par Excellence'
Our Bride arrived in vintage style with her super proud Dad Steven
Our gorgeous Bride Rebecca looked absolutely breathtaking, she was wearing 'Erin' by Ronald Joyce
The Bride's Bouquet of absolutely perfect Sweet Avalanche Roses from the Meijer Nursery (The Rolls Royce of Avalanche Roses), they were surrounded by a simple collar of Par Excellence Gypsophilia
Look at that gorgeos veil xxx
Massive Congratulations to Rebecca & Matthew from all of the team here at Flower Design Events

Gorgeous Pew End Posies of fresh Roses and Gypsophilia
Baskets of fresh fragrant Rose Petal Confetti were ready to be handed out
I really love a fresh Rose Petal Confetti shower it really is utterly blissful!!!
What goes up must come down though, the arch had to be removed before the next wedding, the groom and guests had already arrived before our Bride & Groom had actually left all a bit stressful but our Jason just took it in his stride xxx
The celebrations moved on to the magical surroundings of magnificent Eaves Hall
Swags of fresh Roses, Hydrangeas and Gypsophilia were swathed around the columns at the entrance to Eaves Hall, our Chloe had been there all morning setting up for the reception

We'd filled a vase with fresh Roses, Hydrangeas and Gypsophilia to go in the centre table in the entrance hall at Eaves Hall
One of the exceptional managers at Eaves Hall Barry with Jason
Every detail was beautifully executed right down to the toiletries in the ladies powder roomThe lovely Roland from RT Productions capturing all of the magic
Inside the Wedding Reception Room the scene was set with our tall Crystal table stands in the centre of the tables topped with spheres of fresh Roses, Hydrangeas and Gypsophilia
The corner top table looked perfect, we'd dressed it with an exquisite garland of fresh Roses and Hydrangeas with Gypsophilia
Floating candles, tea light votives and sphere shaped candles illuminated all of the tables perfectly
Some of the guests tables were dressed with posies of fresh flowers and a plethora of candles and fresh rose petals

Our work here was done it was time to leave the party in full swing, many thanks to Rebecca & Matthew and both of their fabulous families for choosing Flower Design to be their wedding florist we loved every second!!xxx