These two are just so super cool and had great ideas for their sea side themed wedding day, we loved their mood board it was a belter to work on, it included so much detail, loads of fresh ideas for a fabulous sun bleached sea side wedding day.
I feel at this point it's also important to note they had the best sound track including some of our all time favourites, not least Guardian's of the Galaxy sound track they came out of the ceremony to Blue Swede's Hooked on a Feeling (I don't mind admitting it alway's puts a smile on my face) some exceptional tracks from The Jam and loads more great tunes too.
We made them, as we always do a collection of designs created exclusively for Alex & Steven to suit their themes based on their beautifully put together mood board and their budget of course. We'd talked about a wild flower palette at our Mood board meeting so we'd put together a bouquet with Grasses, Daisies, Sea Thistles, Bumblebee Orchids, Love in the Mist and fragrant herbs, hidden amongst the fresh flowers we'd also decided to include some sea shells, only small ones but they added a beach feel and the kind of detail our FD team really love.
We included loads of gorgeous blooms with a relaxed 'Sand dunes' gathered vibe, the handle was bound with jute sacking and then tied up with blue gingham, the stem's were left exposed and some tiny seed pearls studded the handle.
We created a matching boutonniere for our Bride Groom Steven and included some well placed sea shells within his boutonniere, the stem was given the same treatment as the bridal bouquet handle to create a coordinated but not overtly 'matchy matchy' look
Lanterns and petals to line the aisle were shown at this appointment
A low table design suggestion created to utilise the Bridal bouquets, the vase was dressed with a Star fish and hessian
Our Enchanted Trees with hanging posies and fairylit branches
Along the length of the top table and Registrars tables we suggested a floral take on a 'Message in a Bottle' set on a reflective surface with shells and small pieces of driftwood
Jason was at Barton Grange early on the wedding day with an FD tissue lined box filled with floral fabulousness
Alex's super handsome Bride Groom Steven was first to have his beach inspired Boutonniere pinned to his lapel
Fresh Veronica, Sea Holly, Thalapsi,Sea Shells, Daisies and Albiflora Cotton Bush were gathered together to form the Bride Groom's Boutonniere
Jason pinned on all of the unique and individually created sea side inspired boutonnieres

Inside the ceremony room at Barton Grange the scene was set for the wedding ceremony, our sun bleached lanterns lined the aisle with fresh fragrant petals
Two of our magnificent Enchanted Trees framed the Registrars table perfectly
Collections of Hurricane Lanterns lined with sand, recycled bottles filled with fresh flowers, sea shells and drift wood dressed the Registrars table

The lovely Bridesmaids were wearing deep blue gowns and carried bouquets of Sea Holly, Veronica, Rose buds, Grasses, Love in the Mist, Daisies and Forget Me Nots

Our beautiful Bride the lovely Alex with her very proud Dad Kevin
We loved Alex's wedding bouquet created in such a naturally gathered style
Huge Congratulations to Alex & Steven from all of the team here at FD Events
So gorgeous and so blissful!!!xxx
The Bride's super glam Mum Lorraine with her ice blue wrist corsage designed to match her lovely dress
Whilst the guests enjoyed a drinks reception a transformation was taking place in the ball room
The dining tables were positioned and dressed with fresh flowers, shells and drift wood

Our work here was done it was time to leave the party in full swing many thanks to Alex & Steven for choosing Flower Design Events to create the flowers for their wedding day xxxx