Jason headed over to the fabulous Eaves Hall early on Easter Sunday morning to present Katie with her gorgeous Bridal Bouquet of fresh Lily of the Valley, White Lilac, Blue Hydrangeas, Blue Forget Me Nots, Succulents, White Peonies, White Anemones, Albiflora, Astrantia, Eryngium, Senecio and English Garden Roses
Our beautiful Bride the very lovely Katie was shown how to carry her wedding bouquet perfectlyDownstairs Jason had lined up all of the Boutonnieres ready to pin them on
Katie's super handsome Bride Groom Neil complete with his matching boutonniere
Neil's Boutonniere of Muscari, Senecio, a Rose and Eryngium
Jason pinned all of the boutonnieres each one was a unique combination of blooms used in the Bridal Bouquet
Mum's lovely corsage in blues and creams
The fabulous banqueting manager at Eaves Hall Barry who was as always colour co-ordintaed to the wedding
Inside the Ceremony room the scene was set with fresh posies of flowers decorating the Registrars table
A posy of fresh white Lilac, Forget Me Nots, Quicksand Rose and Senecio
Fresh Anemones with White Lilac and Astrantia
Blue Muscari
Blue Hydrangeas, Quicksand Roses, Anemones and Eryngium
Quicksand Roses, simply exquisite
Our breathtaking Bride Katie with her gorgeous Bridesmaids
Katie's gorgeous sweet scented bridal bouquet
Bridal Bouquet of fresh Lily of the Valley, White Lilac, Blue Hydrangeas, Blue Forget Me Nots, Succulents, White Peonies, White Anemones, Albiflora, Astrantia, Eryngium, Senecio and English Garden Roses
The adorable Flower Girls carried heart shaped Magic Wands with posies of fresh fragrant spring blooms
Huge Congratulations to Katie and Neil from all of the team here at Flower Design Events
Many thanks to Katie & Neil for choosing Flower Design Events to create their wedding flowers for them!!!xxx