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The Spectacularly Beautiful, Whimsical, Bohemian Wedding of Rebecca & David at St Bega's Church Bassenthwaite & New House Farm Lorton

This wedding has been an adventure, a real journey so I thought I'd begin somewhere near to the beginning of our floral affair with Rebecca, David & Ted and of course Joanna & Ivy.

 So back in December we met up at FD HQ for our first appointment, a getting to know each other session, which if my memory serves me correctly was spent mainly laughing and poor Ivy kept Joanna and Rebecca in line!!!xxx
Huge thanks to my lovely friend Annette White for the initial introduction, she knew that we would all hit it off and that the flowers Rebecca dreamed of were very much the flowers I love working with. So at this first meeting plans were made for a "Road Trip" in February, we arranged to visit the Church & Venue.

Nothing could have prepared me for the setting of this beautiful little Church (I have created flowers at The Church in the Sea so that's saying something) it's right on the shores of Bassenthwaite Lake surrounded by the Keswick Fells a truly breathtaking location even at the beginning of February. We trekked through a series of fields and five bar gates, over a "Billy Goats Gruff Troll Bridge" before arriving at one of the most beautiful Churches in Christendom

Inside we discussed the floral possibilities 
The fabulous Ted, he needs no further introduction.....

We all headed off to the Barn at New House Farm in Lorton, we planned, we discussed and we dared to imagine....
Rebecca & David prepared this Relaxed & Bohemian Mood Board ready for our next appointment which was of course to create sample designs 
At our "Samples" appointment back at FD HQ, we created a Church Pedestal design, a suggestion to frame the door way and a beautifully textured heart a possibility to hang in the Porch at St Begas
A suggestion for the Bridesmaid's posies, fragrant Lavender bundled up and surrounded by a ruffle of Gypsophilia
The Bridal Bouquet sample a wild and hand gathered design featuring a plethora of English Delphiniums, Hydrangeas and "Bowl of Cream" Peonies
Some ideas for table centrepieces
Plans were made for our beautiful Bride to come in to the studio a couple of days prior to her wedding for us to design and make her headdress a "Floral Crown"

Rebecca looked so gorgeous she reminded me of Titania with this luscious hair garland of Hydrangeas, fresh Lavender, fresh Peppermint, Roses, Delphnium, Dille and trailing Amarnthus
The following day work began in earnest on the Church, Reception and Bridal Flowers, our Workroom was awash with watercolour shades of Delphiniums, Stocks and Hydrangeas

Our Vicky started work on the Verdi Gris Candelabras
One of the stunning pedestals that would be placed on either side of the Church Door way
Tall table designs in mid construction
Ruby getting creative with the Church vases
Shirl putting the finishing touches to the table designs
Finally the Big Day had arrived ....
Bright and early on Saturday morning, Daniel, Berto & I were already on the road to Lorton by 6:30am, we presented the Bridal Bouquets in "The Dairy" where our lovely Bride was getting ready

Our Bride complete with her hair in rollers managed to look totally beautiful

Lovely Laura modelled the Bridesmaid's bouquet perfectly
Along with my team of merry men we headed off to St Begas Church in Bassenthwite
Rebecca, David and Ted's initials created out of Moss dressed the Church Gate 
Two magnificent pedestals of Delphiniums, Stocks and Hydrangeas framed the door magnificently

Inside the Porch vases of Delphiniums, Stocks and Gypsophilia, the beautiful Textured and grouped  Heart with candlelit lanterns created a warm and beautiful welcome for the guests

Lovely Heart of Lavender, Gypsophilia and Moss

An exquisite Urn of fresh flowers on the windowsill
A swag of Delphiniums and Stocks on the Pulpit

Enamel Vases of Delphiniums and Stocks 

Ted the Wonder Dog complete with his floral dog collar
The equally wonderful Bride Groom the super handsome David, who was first to have his boutonniere pinned to his lapel
David's  rather special Groom's Boutonniere included fresh Rosemary, fresh Lavender, Peppermint, Delphinium and Hydrangea Florets, Amaranthus and Ivy

The Groom's Men were all presented with Boutonnieres of Lavender and Gypsophilia tied with a jute bow

Beautiful Flower Girl number one with the most handsome Gent of the day

Ted was also fitted with a "Gopro" camera, I can't wait to see this wedding from Ted's viewpoint

The little Flower Girls all looked utterly adorable

Here come the girls....
The Bridesmaids carried their perfectly colour co-ordinated Bouquets of Lavender and Gypsophilia 

The Bride's Mum & Grandma looked so glamorous

Our Bride arrived in style in a beautiful car from Cars of Distinction

So so beautiful......

Rebecca's ravishing Bouquet needed to be carried with confidence and our breathtaking Bride did so with aplomb

Rebecca's stunning gown was by Sarah Seven

Rebecca's shoes were removed ....

Our gorgeous Bride with her super proud Dad

The aisle had been strewn with fresh Rose Petals for our Bridal party to step on (Thank you Ross!!xx)
I have to say I loved and enjoyed the wedding service so much, not only was the Vicar excellent, but there were two fabulous readings "Song of Solomon" and "Us Two" by A.A. Milne (A particular favourite of mine) which really was read beautifully by Ian Gostling, the Hymns were fabulous too
Huge & Ginormous Congratulations to the very happy couple from all of the team here at Flower Design Events

The Unity Candle was lit by both Bride & Groom

The great folks from Karen Rhodes Catering were outside ready with bottles of "Pop" to refresh the congregation
The lovely photographer on the day was Mark Wallis and what a joy he was, we had a great day and I can't wait to see his images....

Berto and Daniel cleared the Church ready to take everything to the reception
My gorgeous Nephew Daniel
At New House Farm a welcome committee of one very important Dog awaited our Bride & Groom

 Inside this fabulously spacious Barn a transformation had taken place, it was hardly recognisable from our last visit way back in February, the festoon lighting was so effective

Our tall elegant LSA Vases topped with a plethora of Delphiniums, Stocks, Hydrangeas and Peonies looked utterly magnificent

Low Bird Bath designs with a cluster of Candles in the centre surrounded by a luscious array of Stocks, Delphiniums, Hydrangeas, Sweet Peas and Peppermint
Our Verdi Gris Candelabras swathed in a garland of watercolour bounteousness

The Top Table was garlanded with fresh Smilax and Gypsophilia, with clusters of fresh Stocks and Hydrangeas at the "Gathers"

An urn of fresh flowers by the relaxed seating plan

Verdi Grs Garden Urn filled with Stocks and Hydrangeas

Delicate strands of dried Lavender were tied with lace into the backs of the chairs

Gifts for very important people

...now at last they were beginning Chapter One of the Great Story which no one on earth has read: which goes on for ever: in which every chapter is better than the one before.” 

Our Work here was done it was time to head for home, weary and aching but very satisfied, we all thoroughly enjoyed working with this fantastic couple and we are so going to miss them both (& Ted)

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