I thought I'd start this fabulously huge posting with the commencement of creation, our team have had the very best time working on the designs, this is Alison's Trial Wedding Bouquet created a a few weeks ago
These are the trial table designs together with Alison & Joe's fabulous Mood Board again created a few weeks ago, an awful lot of thought and effort went into this wedding and our Bride & Groom left no stone un-turned in pursuit of perfection
Moving the clock forward to Friday afternoon and our team hard at work preparing the table designs in our studio
The Blooms were all divided up, exquisite Delphiniums, Alliums, Peonies and Hydrangeas
Shirl you can't keep the smile of her face working with such lusciousness
Ruby had divided and conquered
I'm making the Wedding Bouquet
The Bridesmaids Posies
Josie was on the lower table designs
Finally the wedding morning arrived and yesterday Jason had great pleasure of presenting our stunning Bride the lovely Alison with her Wedding Bouquet
The all important Wedding Bouquet carrying lesson as conducted by our Jason with such a bevvy of Bridesmaid beauty
Jason & Josie headed off to the iconic and stunning White Church in Fairhaven
Inside this magnificent Church we'd arranged fresh flowers in the focal areas creating a look of abundance and majesty
Three glorious placements frame the marriage space, each arrangement was dominated by deep purple Delphiniums & Alliums with a plethora of Peonies and Hydrangeas in the focal areas
Posies of David Austin's Kate Rose with Hydrangeas, Sweet Peas and Amaranthus
The Boutonnieres were all lined up ready for Jason to pin them on
Joe's fabulous Groom's special Boutonniere of Lily of the Valley, Forget Me Nots, Sweet Pea and Viburnum Opulus
A Kate Rose with Rosemary and Bombastic Rose Bud for the Best Man
The Mother of the Groom's Corsage of Rolled Rose Petals and Lily of the Valley
A Basket of fresh sweet scented Rose Petal Confetti
The Groom's lovely Dad
The Groom's gorgeous Mum
Jason pinned on all of the Groom's Men's Boutonnieres
The Bridesmaids were next to arrive looking heavenly
The Bridesmaids were wearing a combination of Fuschia Pink and Purple gowns we created the bouquets to compliment the shades perfectly, we included English Garden Roses Kate & Keira with Peonies, Sweet Peas, Lily of the Valley and Sweet Peas
Such a Beauty.....
Our Bride Groom the totally fabulous Joe Black
Jason pinned on Joe's Boutonneiere
Happy Fathers Day!!!xxx
The super fabulous James Jebson was the photographer and we honestly can't wait to see his images
The adorable little Flower Girls carried posies of Sweet Peas like little floral clouds
A profusion of voluptuous colour on such beautiful girls
The Bride's stunning Mum
Exquisite pale Pink Corsage of Lily of the Valley and Bombastic Roses
Our breathtaking Bride Alison was last to arrive, she looked absolutely gorgeous!!!xxxx
Fuschia Pink and Purple Bridal Bouquet of Peonies, Lily of the Valley, Hydrangeas, Sweet Peas, Forget Me Nots and English Garden Roses
The scene really was heavenly
Massive Congratulations to Joe and Alison from all of the Flower Design Events team
Everyone headed off to The Grand where they were greeted with a very warm Grand Welcome, delicious canapes and copious amounts of fizz
The Bridal party gathered in the sunshine on the front lawn of The Grand for photographs with James Jebson
James Jebson doing what he does best
Two lovely ladies
Derek from The Grand taking a few pics too
The magnificent Pedestal from Church took pride of place in The Grand
The Pew End Posies looked so lovely on the bar tables
The St Annes Suite at The Grand looked magnificent
Our Tall and elegant table designs featured long plumes of fresh Phalaenopsis Orchids, Peonies, Delphiniums and Hydrangeas
The lower designs were voluptuous and lush with a bosom of Peonies, Hydrangeas, Phalaenopsis Orchids and English Garden Roses
The Top Table was just the most magnificent and luscious "Hanging Gardens of Babylon" inspired design ever
Huge thanks to Joe & Alison and all of their fabulous family for choosing Flower Design Events to create their Wedding Flowers !!!xxx