In a change to our annual tradition this year our Christmas Wreath Making Workshops have all been booked as private parties of 15 - 20 people, most dates have now been taken but do call for availability.
Our very first workshop for 2013 was on 1st December and was to celebrate our all time favourite Bride the beautiful Adele Eccles' Baby Shower, seventeen of Adele's friend's and family made their way over to the award winning Number One South Beach in Blackpool for an early start, the festivities started at 10am and we were all finished a few hours later at 3pm in the hours between a great time was had by all...
Huge thanks to the fabulous James Jebson who spent Sunday with us photographing the event, recording all of the magic, it really is a great pleasure to share them here, massive thanks too to Mark, Graham & Janet and the superb team at Number One South Beach who looked after us all so brilliantly on Sunday
The scene was set, classroom style
The fragrance of Christmas Trees filled the air
We set out our little Christmas Stall with lots of seasonal goodies to add that touch of individuality to each wreath
Our own home baked oranges
Glistening Chillis
Sun Dried sweet scented Lavender bundles
Robin Red Breast
Bullion Spheres
Cinnamon sticks
Red Holly Berries
Fir Cones
Boxes and Boxes of Ribbons in a plethora of shades and fabrics
Our ladies gathered in the lounge for tea and coffee before the workshop started at 10:30
Beautiful Adele led her ladies through into the "Classroom"
Jason and I were on either side of the table ensuring everyone could see, I like a simple "Paint by Numbers" style demonstration, I do it and then everyone else follows suit, it's so easy!!!
We started off with taping the wreath in, I think that's the most difficult bit!!!
Then it's chipping up and sorting out the foliage
Eventually they get to placing the foliage in their wreaths
We teach everyone how to Wire Fir Cones, Oranges and Cinnamon Sticks
Adele had a poof of Fairy Dust on hers
Then the seriously tricky business of bow making, the finishing touch
The dining table was dressed with magnificent candelabras and fresh flowers
Some beautiful Baby Shower Favours provided by AdeleOne of our Magnificent Baroque style Candelabras with a Christmas twist took pride of place in the centre of the main table
Mark had created a fabulous four course Christmas lunch with choices a selection of which the lovely James photographed...
After dinner our beautiful ladies posed with their creations, I loved this wreath created by the fabulous Kelly Dee
Adele's wonderful wreath complete with Baby Blue Gingham Ribbon
I love the fun colours in this brilliant wreath
Vicky's masterpiece a beautiful design
We put my wreath on the front door of Number One, it will be moving to it's new home on m y front door tomorrow
Again huge and ginormous thanks to everyone at Number One South Beach for looking after us all so beautifully and to James Jebson for his wonderous photographs